Planted Kitchens

Inspiration –  Exploration –  Recreation – Celebration

What is Wellness?

Wellness is not one thing, it means different things for different people. It’s layered and complicated and has different meanings at various stages of our lives. One thing is certain; it is vital to living a happy, balanced life! Wellness matters so much to me that I have built an entire company around it! My idea of wellness means feeding my body foods that promote health, a daily practice of mindfulness and self reflection, keeping my body fit and strong, having a sense of purpose through life-long learning, and, celebrating a life well lived with people with whom I have true, meaningful connections.

Well, you know as well as I do that it’s not that easy!

So, dive in! Explore our cooking classes, peruse our recipes, browse through our library and join in the community of like-minded wellness seekers that are dedicated to a life well lived like you!

Email Chef Maureen at or call 970-925-2505 for additional information!

Functional Nutrition Chef Services

Adult Cooking Classes

Kids' Cooking Classes and Workshops

Kids Farm-to-Table Cooking Camp

Demo and Dinner​

Corporate Wellness Programs

Intimate Catering & Event Planning

Maureen McCooey, owner of Planted Kitchens, has spent most of her career preparing and serving food to her customers. From years as a caterer and cook to running cafes and restaurants, food service is in her blood. She developed an interest in food on a deeper level, as a wellness tool, when she began studying nutrition. She decided that she no longer wanted to feed people, she wanted to nourish them. She began cooking for clients, taking into account dietary restrictions, their health concerns and the nutrient density of the foods she was preparing. Suddenly her career was on a whole new path! Now, when she serves them a meal, she is helping them be the healthiest version of themself!

Check out Maureen's guest podcast on the Suburban Warrior

"How to Eat Better to Feel Better: Advice from a Functional Nutrition Chef"

Inspiration & Recipes

It’s difficult to keep the creativity in the kitchen flowing freely, even for seasoned cooks. And, I don’t know about you, but without creativity, I feel less than inspired in the kitchen. My approach to writing recipes involves simplifying the steps and including healthy ingredients that are easy to find in your supermarket. I also share tips to add additional fiber to my recipes. You know we all need more fiber! 

For more information follow us on Instagram or follow us on Patreon for recipe ideas, cooking demos and inspirational cooking videos.